Tuesday, March 27, 2012

$5 a Class
Childcare is available for $1 per kid

I really want to tell you guys Thank You so much for supporting me in doing something I LOVE and Being my Zumba Family!! I tell everyone that I have the Best Class Ever and I love you All !!
We are about to celebrate out One Year Anniversary at the Rec.. Yes,some of you have been there from the beginning and some of you it feels like you have been.
As you know I am trying my hardest to Amp or class up and find a place to teach other days and/or nights.Please keep your ears open for me also.I can teach anywhere school,business,medical facility,church.
On Sunday,I went to get certified to teach ZumbaTomic which is Kids Zumba. I am looking to offer classes for the kids,they will be 7 weeks sessions once a week for 30 min this is different then regular zumba this will help them build confidence and team building while getting them healthy.

APRIL 7 - Biggest Loser
FINAL CHALLENGE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED!!!! PRIZE: $250 Cash prize*Hair,Makeup and Nails done for Free Photoshoot.
APRIL 14 - Aleasha & Desirea’s
80’s Theme Party. Bring your Spouses this is not ZUMBA we are just getting together to have a good time and say thankyou for your support.$5 for your spouses.Best Dressed Man and Best Dressed Woman contest.Open to Anyone.
APRIL 26 -Autism Awareness Event
All proceeds will be donated to the Autism Society of North Carolina. This event is very close to my heart and I hope you all come out to Support. All Donations Welcome.$10 to enter 6-7 Zumba 7-8 raffles and food.Please share this event with all your friends and co workers the person with the most guest will win 5 free Zumba Classes.

In honor of my Anniversary at the Rec. I am doing a HUGE GIVEAWAY. April 1st (My BDAY) till April 26. For Each Guest you Bring that has not been to MY ZUMBA CLASS you will get a form from me and you will be entered to win !0 Free Classes. That is $50.
As you all should know that I am a Weight Loss Success Story.With that being said this past year was not Easy and still Isn’t.You Guys are there to Workout for ONE hour during that hour you need to GIVE me all you HAVE.If your not seeing the scale dropping that means you are not getting your heart rate up enough during ZUMBA.So.you come to MOVE IT SO MOVE IT..GO HARD THAT WHOLE HOUR.. We will start doing a ZUMBA MAMI OF THE MONTH where you send me your pictures and a lil info about you.When you loose 5lbs and we will Praise youR ACCOMPLISHMENTS together.. 

We want to give a Huge Thank you to One of Our Major Sponsors.Edible Arrangements in Spring Lake has supported us since the beginning so please make sure that you guys order from THIS LOCATION.(910)436-2000 They have the best fruit there starting at $5 dollars for a fruit bowl,35 and up for a arrangement.We are always looking for sponsors so please email me for more information.
https://www.facebook.com/springlakezumba 4fitnezz@gmail.com www.4fitnezz.blogspot.com 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Things Coming

We will have a New Sign In sheet in the next couple of Classes.Please be aware that if you pre pay for a CLASS I HAVE TO BE ABLE TO READ YOUR NAME. Since, I have to keep up with who paid for the class so I can turn that into the Rec I have to know who you are.

Email List I will start sending out emails to give you guys a update on whats going on and trying to keep everyone together since a lot of people don't use Facebook.

Newsletter - Every month i will have a newsletter posted on here on Facebook and will send it in a email the newsletter is going to list any event we have going on. New songs you can look for. Zumba wear Info.Class Info. We will be doing weight loss of the month so please start emailing me a picture of you and your weight loss.We will also do a focus on one person a month that focuses on how ZUMBA has changed them. We will give a list of sponsors who have sponsored us for a event,just a class,or just because they LOVE US.

That being said we are looking for sponsors In the community it could be a Business it could be a single Person who wants advertisement for their business. We will accept anything to advance our class water,money donation to GET US A NEW STEREO : ), pens for sign in, giveaways for classes,bracelets,belly chains any of that stuff.

We are still looking for expansion so that i can give you ladies more then 2 days of Zumba. Share your Ideas and thoughts. Churches,Daycare,Business,Clubs we can teach Zumba anywhere that has room. People are teaching in Banks at apartment Complexes in their conference rooms,Docters Offices there is not a place in the area that we couldnt teach at.  
                                                          LOOK OUT FOR A EMAIL AND NEWSLETTER

Friday, March 9, 2012

ZumBa EvEntS

There is a lot of things going on in the next couple of months..LOTS of fun things I PROMISE..
  SO save the DATES
       This events are open to anyone you want to invite lets PACK THEM OUT..

    APRIL 14 2012
     ALEASHA AND DESI'S 80's BIRTHDAY BASH... THIS IS FREE TO INVITATION HOLDERS which is a way to say THANKYOU to all my ladies who have been to all my classes and have supported me thru ZUMBA...It will be $5 donation to anyone else who wants to come the money we raise will be what we use for the next event (SEE BELOW).There will be a best dressed contest  ONE male winner and ONE female winner.SO GO ALL OUT ON YOUR 80's Outfit..We will have dancing and food and drinks.This is going to be fun a chance for all of us to get together and hang out outside of ZUMBA and have a good time doing what we all ENJOY and that Dancing and ACT a full..I might have to pull out a Best Dancer Award cause you ladies be getting it IN on the battles (hahaha).

APRIL 26,2012 ZUMBA FOR AUTISM...I WANT this event to be a Huge Success SO PLEASE PLEASE share this with anyone you know.This is $10 dollars to enter and all proceeds will be donated to the Autism Society of Cumberland County..Lets Raise more then we did for the Breast Cancer Zumbathon in October...Everything for this event is BLUE.We will be accepting any donations to raffle off and we will be looking for sponsors.We are still looking for food so if you know anyone who would like to donate it please let me know..THANKYOU ALL for your support/

MAY 12,2012 We have been invited to open up the Spring Fling so we will be doing a fun FLASH MOB don't tell anyone we want people to be surprised.IF you say you are doing this event i need you to be faithful to the practices and be there the day of the event.IT IS GOING TO BE SOOO much FUN promise.We will be wearing Bright colors so you can re use that 80's Outfit again...

Please Let me know if you have any questions...ZUMBA LOVE

Monday, March 5, 2012


Okay, so i get asked at least 5 times a day..HOW DID YOU DO IT well here ya go..
First, let me start with saying what worked for me might not work for you I can just tell you what I did..
Okay so my rule of thumb
1. EAT 30 minutes after waking up..Your body is starving from not eating all night long..
2. SMALLER portions I ate on a child's plate.
3. WOULD not let myself go back for seconds.
4. DRINK lots of WATER.
5. Do not DIET. Unless you plan on eating this way FOREVER.
6. EXERCISE I walked everyday and did ZUMBA 2x a week.
7. STAY of the SCALE.
9. YOU have to be ready IF your not then you will not have the MOTIVATION you need.
10. WRITE IT If you eat it you write it.. I use my fitness pal (awesome site)

OK so here is how a day in the life of me went I ate breakfast Special K with Strawberries 110 calories with 1/2 cup milk 30 calories..2 hours later I ate a snack carrots,special k bar,parfait,yogurt,chex mix and then 2 hours later i would eat lunch sometimes it would be baked fish,turkey,bacon and eggs this became my go to. 2 hours later snack 2-3 hours later dinner this would be whatever i cooked for my family just a smaller portion.That rule don't eat before bed is a lie to me and a lot of nutritionist that I talk to. I would eat a yogurt right before bed YUMMY...

Smaller Portions was hard for the first few weeks till my stomach shrunk but after that it was a breeze.If i ate to much i would get sick.
DO NOT get seconds DO not eat anything out of a bag put it on your plate when its gone your done.Find something else to do if you get hungry go for a walk. Play with your kids.Clean.Do anything to keep your mind of FOOD. I would try not to sit down all day long until DINNER.

WATER get you a Jug i had 3 of them from the Family dollar and I would always have water with me and would drink a couple of them a day. I love tea so on the weekends I would treat myself to one tea after a few weeks of that I stopped drinking tea I couldn't drink It anymore and to this day if I have to drink a soda somewhere I get two sips and can't drink anymore my taste buds have flipped. (this is coming from a chick who was ADDICTED to MT.DEW)

I say don't DIET make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE which mean make changes that are going to last forever not just for a  a few weeks.I have watched to many people loose tons of weight and diet and as soon as they start eating again they gain that weight plus some back.LIFESTYLE CHANGE..

You have to be active do something to burn calories. Zumba is a AWESOME way to start your journey you will not feel like you are working out there are so many INSTRUCTORS out there with different styles if you don't like one class go to another and another until you find a class you like.Walking get some friends together and go for a walk even if you can only walk a block right now get out and DO IT.

STAY of the SCALE.It takes a few weeks If not Months to see huge changes in the scale you will notice in Inches (clothes).I stayed at the same weight for like a month until finally my scale went down 10lbs.

PICK A SIZE not a WEIGHT its hard to know what size you want to be but its harder picking a number and never reaching that inches are easier to come by then numbers haha i don't know why..I still have not meet my GOAL weight but I am way past the size i wanted to be in i put myself at double digits thinking at 130 i would be in like a 8 umm was i wrong I am 140 and in a 4/5 can fit some 2's so size and weight mean nothing to each other..I will never be the size I was before kids which will be another post.

UGHH this one makes a lot of people MAD but oh well It's the TRUTH.YOU WILL NOT LOOSE WEIGHT AT ALL until you are ready you will constantly say I am tired of being this size or I am so over this BLAH BLAH BLAH.. I've heard it all okay I was there I had been saying for a year i was done IM ready to change I'm gonna make a change well guess what I didn't WHY..because I was not motivated to do so. Loosing weight is the hardest thing i have ever done in my life yes it is I do support people 100 percent in making this decision and sticking with it but I also feel that unless you get UP and DO something its not just going to happen.I mean you have got yourself in this situation now get yourself out.  I was at my breaking in, I was beyond DEPRESSED I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without crying I couldn't get dressed without having a meltdown.I would sit in the house and not go anywhere I didn't put my makeup up on I didn't Dress like ALEASHA. It was bad I hated what I seen. So we took family pictures and when I got the pictures WOO I was DISGUSTED that day I OFFICIALLY said I am done..DONE DONE DONE I REFUSE to look like this and I CHANGED THAT DAY AND NEVER STEPPED BACK...  

Write down what you EAT I use MyFitness Pal and i keep track of everything I eat if I'm out and need to eat I can type In whatever it may be and get the calories down to a T..Restaurants,Fast Food even home cooking I LOVE IT...You can keep track of your exercise and everything.

I have made it a PASSION of mine to help others get fit I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing people getting healthier so if that means having to answer questions all the time i am DOWN for it I WANT TO HELP YOU. So don't be afraid to ask..

For those who find Breakfast hard to eat
                                                        TRY Shakeology   IT'S made my LIFE so much easier

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I have a lot of ladies who don't have a Facebook so I will be keeping the ZUMBA with Aleasha Page on Facebook and the Spring Lake Zumba on Facebook But will also have this Site where I will Post on also more extreme info like New Music,Changes and updates. This will also be a Site where we can add fitness info weight loss success stories and Share All My pics from my CLASSES..This will make our life Easier I will post a weekly Newsletter and Every week and have lots of fun stuff going on.I am trying to advance my Business Aspect of ZUMBA and want to take all you with me so please HELP ME DO SO... I am looking to add more classes to the schedule so If you know somewhere who wants a Instructor or wants to have a Birhtday Party,Zumba Workout Party or just have me come do it for your business.I am open to do so just email me akkbrowns@yahoo.com please share this page with all your friends so we can EXPLODE.